Saturday, August 2, 2008

With a few bumps and bruises we are up and running. It's slower than we had hoped, but the rally doesn't start until tomorrow. Yesterday, the water pump went out on the truck (our Ford dealership people have been very gracious, offering to upgrade us to a new Ford...upgrade? Ford?). Thankfully, we have a warranty and it's at the dealership being fixed. Our wonderful hosts at Integrity Ford gave us a loaner while the truck is being worked on. Yesterday the temperture ran well over 90* and inside the trailer it was over 100* making it a miserable day. We had a whopper of a wind storm last night, and so far today, the temperatures are much more bearable. Joe and I are taking a lunch break at the pizza joint across the road mulling over next year and how to better approach the rally. We have a spot with Integrity Ford again and the other businesses on the lot have been working very well with us. We'll try to download more pictures during the week.

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