Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Today started off around 4:3o this A.M. I didn't get up then but I was awake. I headed for the trailer at 0600 and nothing was running....the generator was out of gas. After putting in what I had it was off to get more and hit Wally World for some things like signage and what not. around 0900 we were all at the trailer waiting for the brisket and butt to finish. Thanks to the gas problem, it was running late. We got signs up, banners hung, tables ready and then we lay in wait for the 1st customer. Noon came and went.....we're still waiting. Around 1500 the 1st customer showed up. We're cooking with gas now I tellya. While sitting around watching cars, trucks and some beautiful bikes (and trikes...I want a trike) zip by, we got a call from the Ford dealership down the road wanting us up there. The Ford Dealership has a really nice corner spot for us. As tempting as it was for us to jump at the offer, we had a moral and verbal obligation to those who got us into t They've put in some advertising for us and are hoping we will be a draw for them. It's great to be wanted... But on the other hand, Ford wanted us too. I guess there is always next year. So all is not lost.
We've spent a little time getting to know people and have met some real jewels. There is a couple vending in a Taco wagon here at the rv park. They are a couple of real characters, and we have a deal to share food with each other (great deal since Gayle loves mexican food).

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